About FarmTek Australia – Fertilizers, Nutrients for Hydroponics & Soil Culture

Drip System Hydroponic Example

Company Introduction:

Welcome to FarmTek Australia, your trusted partner in revolutionizing agriculture practices for both commercial enterprises and home growers nationwide. As a leading agricultural products supplier, we are committed to addressing the evolving challenges faced by the industry, providing innovative solutions that enhance productivity and sustainability.

FarmTek Hydroponic Growing System

What We Do:

FarmTek Australia specializes in providing comprehensive agricultural solutions to meet the diverse needs of our customers. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we offer a range of products and services tailored to enhance agricultural practices.


What We Sell:

Hydroponic Systems & Accessories: Elevate your growing experience with our advanced hydroponic systems and a wide array of accessories, suitable for both novice home growers and seasoned commercial farmers.

Nutrients & Fertilizers: Boost your crop’s health and vitality with our premium NPK fertilizers and hydroponic nutrients, carefully formulated to optimize plant growth and yield.

Growing Accessories: Explore our collection of top-notch growing accessories designed to cater to every aspect of your farming needs, ensuring a seamless and productive cultivation process.

Electronics & Consumables: Stay ahead in the agricultural landscape with our state-of-the-art electronics and consumables, carefully curated to enhance automation and efficiency in farming practices.

Seeds: Choose from our diverse selection of high-quality seeds, sourced to meet the demands of various climates and growing conditions, ensuring a flourishing harvest.


Main Services:

Design & Setup Hydroponic Systems: Our expert team provides personalized services to design and set up hydroponic systems, catering to the unique requirements of both home/hobbyist growers and large-scale commercial farmers.

Farming Automation: Embrace the future of agriculture with our farming automation services, streamlining processes and reducing labor while maximizing efficiency.

Produce Quality & Quantity Improvement Trial Projects: Collaborate with us on trial projects aimed at improving the quality and quantity of your produce. Benefit from our expertise to optimize your farming outcomes.

In the dynamic landscape of agriculture, FarmTek Australia stands as a beacon of innovation and reliability, offering a comprehensive suite of products and services to meet the demands of modern farming, particularly in hydroponics, NPK fertilizers, and hydroponic nutrients.

Whether you’re a commercial farmer or a home enthusiast, join us in shaping the future of sustainable agriculture. Explore FarmTek Australia for unparalleled quality, expertise, and support.


Farmtek NFT Hydroponic system


Mission Statement:

At FarmTek Australia, our mission is to empower growers with cutting-edge agricultural products and services that foster efficient, eco-friendly, and high-yield farming practices. We strive to be at the forefront of the industry, supporting both commercial and home growers in overcoming challenges and achieving success in their agricultural endeavors.



Home Grower/Hobbyist

hydro tower garden starter kit for beginner

Our Hydroponics Kit Systems are meticulously crafted to meet the needs of home growers and hobbyists. These self-contained hydroponic packages, designed for both indoor and outdoor use, incorporate essential components such as a circulation pump, LED lighting, air pump, timer, and more.

System Features:

1. Comprehensive Packages: Our hydroponic kit system packages are all-encompassing, providing a turnkey solution for enthusiasts. The inclusion of a circulation pump facilitates the movement of nutrient-rich water, while LED lighting ensures optimal conditions for plant growth. An air pump contributes to oxygenation, creating an environment conducive to healthy crops. The integrated timer streamlines the operational aspects, making it user-friendly for novices and seasoned hobbyists alike.

2. Flexibility for Varied Production Needs: Recognizing the diverse requirements of home growers, our packages are designed with flexibility in mind. Whether you are cultivating herbs, greens, or flowering plants, the adaptability of our systems allows for seamless integration into different production scenarios. This adaptability minimizes the need for constant adjustments, providing a hassle-free experience for users.

3. Semi-Automatic Operation: The hydroponic kit systems are equipped with a semi-automatic mode, significantly reducing the demand for human intervention. The system autonomously manages lighting and circulation, ensuring that the crops receive the necessary conditions for robust growth. This semi-automation strikes a balance between user control and system autonomy.

Minimal Human Interaction:

With the semi-automatic functionality, the hydroponic systems demand minimal human interaction. Home growers need only monitor the essential parameters twice a week, namely Electrical Conductivity (EC), pH levels, and nutrient solution water levels. This straightforward monitoring ensures that crops consistently receive the required nutrients for optimal development.

Commercial Systems

FarmTek Hydroponic System Commercial

Traditional field farming is perpetually at the mercy of unpredictable climate conditions, rendering it a high-risk venture for farmers. Greenhouse hydroponic farming emerges as a transformative solution, mitigating the impact of climate and weather factors while offering a spectrum of environmental and economic benefits.

Environmental Advantages:

1. Climate Independence: Greenhouse hydroponic farming operates within a controlled environment, liberating crops from the uncertainties of external weather conditions. Shielded from the whims of nature, this method ensures consistent and optimal growing conditions, irrespective of external climate variations.

2. Water Conservation: Unlike conventional field farming, greenhouse hydroponics is remarkably water-efficient. The closed-loop system minimizes water consumption, emphasizing resource conservation. This sustainable approach aligns with global efforts to address water scarcity concerns.

3. Pesticide-Free Environment: The hydroponic model eliminates the need for soil, thus eradicating the risk of pesticide pollution to both soil and streams. This not only safeguards the environment but also ensures the production of uncontaminated, healthier crops.

Economic Benefits:

1. Reduced Input Costs: Financially, greenhouse hydroponic farming presents a compelling case. It reduces fertilizer expenses by over 60%, thanks to the precise nutrient control facilitated by hydroponic systems. Furthermore, the absence of pesticide spraying eliminates associated costs, contributing to substantial savings.

2. Labor Efficiency: Hydroponic systems streamline both planting and harvesting processes, optimizing labor efficiency. The controlled environment reduces the need for extensive manual intervention, allowing farmers to allocate resources more strategically.

3. Rapid Return on Investment: The financial benefits of greenhouse hydroponic farming translate into a swift return on investment. The upfront investment pays off rapidly, making this innovative farming method not only sustainable but economically rewarding.

Greenhouse hydroponic farming stands as a beacon of transformation in the agricultural landscape. By providing climate independence, conserving water, eliminating pesticides, and offering substantial financial advantages, it not only addresses the vulnerabilities of traditional farming but also charts a sustainable and profitable course for the future of agriculture. Invest in the future with greenhouse hydroponics – where risk diminishes, and rewards flourish.

Hydroponics Vertical Farming

FarmTek Hydroponic System Vertical

Hydroponic Vertical Farming emerges as a game-changing technology, ushering in a new era of agricultural efficiency. This innovative approach not only significantly boosts yield but also optimizes space utilization, leading to substantial revenue increases without the need for additional land.

Key Advantages:

1. Remarkable Yield Improvement: One of the standout features of Hydroponic Vertical Farming is its unparalleled ability to enhance yield exponentially. By cultivating crops in a vertically stacked system, this technology maximizes the use of available space, providing an ideal environment for plants to thrive. The result is a substantial increase in overall crop yield compared to traditional farming methods.

2. Space Optimization: Unlike traditional horizontal farming, Hydroponic Vertical Farming makes efficient use of space by stacking layers of crops vertically. This vertical arrangement ensures that each square foot of space contributes to cultivation, eliminating the need for sprawling land expanses. This space optimization is particularly advantageous in urban environments or areas with limited arable land.

3. Revenue Growth without Land Expansion: The ingenious design of Hydroponic Vertical Farming allows for a significant boost in revenue without requiring additional land. As the system can be built with multiple levels, the revenue potential multiplies without the need for expanding the farming footprint. This not only maximizes profitability but also addresses the challenges associated with land scarcity.


1. Versatile System Configuration: Hydroponic Vertical Farming offers versatility in system configuration. From double-level setups to systems with multiple levels, the technology adapts to the available space and regulatory constraints. The only limitations are the permissible roof height and the accessibility of a scissor lift.

2. Tailored to Urban Environments: This technology is particularly well-suited for urban environments where space is at a premium. By utilizing vertical space, it enables urban farmers to engage in high-yield cultivation without the need for expansive rural farmland.

Hydroponic Vertical Farming stands at the forefront of agricultural innovation, presenting a viable solution to the challenges of traditional farming. With its remarkable yield improvement, space optimization, and revenue growth potential without land expansion, this technology paves the way for a sustainable and profitable future in agriculture. Embrace the vertical revolution and witness agriculture reaching new heights, literally and figuratively.

Automated Feeding System

FarmTek Hydroponic System Automation

In the dynamic landscape of hydroponics, the integration of an automated feeding system heralds a paradigm shift. This technological marvel not only alleviates the labor-intensive task of periodic water testing but also ensures meticulous control over essential parameters such as pH and electrical conductivity (EC). With the incorporation of four dedicated dosing pumps, this system revolutionizes nutrient management in hydroponic setups.

Key Features:

1. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: The heart of this automated system lies in its ability to continuously monitor and precisely control crucial factors—pH and EC. By employing advanced sensors and sophisticated algorithms, the system ensures that the hydroponic solution remains within the optimal range. This real-time monitoring minimizes the need for manual intervention and safeguards crop health.

2. Four-Fold Nutrient Dosing Precision: The system incorporates four dedicated dosing pumps, each calibrated for specific fertilizers and nutrients. This precision allows for customized and targeted nutrient delivery, catering to the unique requirements of different crops. The result is an unparalleled level of accuracy in nutrient dosing, contributing to enhanced crop growth and yield.

3. High/Low Alarm Control Lockouts: To further fortify the safety and stability of the hydroponic solution, the automated feeding system features High/Low alarm control lockouts. These safeguards prevent the solution from straying beyond predetermined thresholds, mitigating the risk of imbalances. This not only protects the crops from potential harm but also provides peace of mind to growers.

4. User-Friendly Configuration: Operability is at the forefront of design considerations. The system boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy to configure and operate. Growers can effortlessly set parameters, configure pH and EC sensors, and tailor the system to their specific needs. This simplicity enhances the accessibility of advanced hydroponic management for growers of varying expertise.


1. Labor Savings: The automated feeding system alleviates the need for labor-intensive water testing, freeing up valuable resources for other essential tasks. This not only streamlines operational efficiency but also reduces the potential for human error.

2. Crop Health and Yield Optimization: With precise control over pH, EC, and nutrient dosing, the system creates an optimal environment for plant growth. This translates to healthier crops, optimized yield, and ultimately, increased profitability for hydroponic growers.

3. Safety Assurance: The High/Low alarm control lockouts serve as a robust safety net, ensuring that the hydroponic solution remains within safe parameters. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of adverse effects on crops and provides growers with a reliable safety mechanism.

In embracing automated precision in hydroponics, growers propel their operations into a new era of efficiency, accuracy, and crop management excellence.


In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the choice of fertilizers plays a pivotal role in ensuring optimal crop nutrition. Our commercial-grade water-soluble fertilizers stand as a testament to innovation, catering to the diverse needs of both conventional and hydroponic farming. With 100% solubility, these fertilizers redefine versatility, seamlessly adapting to various cultivation methods, including soil, soilless, and advanced hydroponic techniques.

Key Features:

1. 100% Solubility: Our water-soluble fertilizers are crafted with precision to achieve 100% solubility. This characteristic ensures effortless integration into both soil-based and soilless cultivation practices, opening up a spectrum of application methods. Whether through foliage spraying, drip irrigation, EBB and flow, deep water culture (DWC), Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), or aeroponics, these fertilizers dissolve completely for efficient nutrient delivery.

2. Versatile Application Methods: The adaptability of our fertilizers extends to a wide array of cultivation methods, empowering growers with flexibility. From traditional soil applications to advanced hydroponic systems like EBB and flow or aeroponics, these fertilizers seamlessly align with diverse farming practices. This versatility simplifies the nutrient management process, catering to the unique demands of different crops and cultivation environments.

3. Compatibility with Hydroponic Systems: Designed with the intricacies of hydroponic farming in mind, our water-soluble fertilizers seamlessly integrate with various hydroponic systems. Whether it’s the precision of Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), the oxygen-rich environment of aeroponics, or the buoyancy of deep water culture (DWC), these fertilizers deliver essential nutrients with unparalleled efficacy.

4. Ideal for Foliage Spraying: Recognizing the importance of foliar application, our fertilizers are formulated for efficient foliage spraying. This method allows for targeted nutrient delivery directly to the plant’s leaves, enhancing absorption and promoting robust growth. The water-soluble nature ensures easy mixing and uniform coverage during spraying.


1. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: The 100% solubility of our fertilizers ensures that nutrients are readily available for plant uptake. This results in enhanced nutrient absorption, promoting healthier plants with improved vigor and vitality.

2. Streamlined Application Process: With compatibility across various cultivation methods, growers experience a streamlined application process. Whether using traditional soil-based techniques or cutting-edge hydroponic systems, our fertilizers simplify the nutrient delivery process.

3. Increased Crop Yield and Quality: The precision of our commercial-grade water-soluble fertilizers contributes to increased crop yield and improved quality. By providing a balanced and easily accessible nutrient profile, these fertilizers support plants throughout their growth stages.

In choosing our water-soluble fertilizers, growers embark on a journey of agricultural excellence, where adaptability meets efficacy. Elevate your crop nutrition, embrace versatility, and witness the transformative impact on your farming endeavors.

NPK (Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium)

FarmTek NPK fertilizer

Unveiling the Essence of NPK:

In the realm of plant nutrition, NPK stands as the cornerstone, representing the vital macronutrients essential for robust plant growth. NPK denotes Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K), each playing a pivotal role in shaping the health and productivity of plants. In the landscape of modern agriculture, the focus has intensified on optimizing these macronutrients, supplemented by additional nutrients to elevate both quantity and quality of agricultural produce.

Our Offering: Formulated and Concentrated Excellence

At the forefront of this agricultural revolution, we proudly present our meticulously formulated, highly concentrated powder/flake form of 100% water-soluble NPK fertilizers. Tailored to meet the demands of commercial farms and home growers alike, our NPK fertilizers are a testament to precision, efficacy, and versatility. These fertilizers, suitable for both traditional soil-based cultivation and advanced hydroponic systems, mark a paradigm shift in plant nutrition strategies.

Benefits That Transcend Boundaries:

1. Comprehensive Macronutrient Coverage: Our NPK fertilizers encapsulate the vital trio of macronutrients—Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. This comprehensive coverage ensures that plants receive a balanced and targeted nutrient supply, fostering optimal growth and development.

2. Enhanced Product Quality and Quantity: Modern agriculture is not just about yield; it’s about elevating the overall quality of agricultural produce. Our NPK fertilizers are crafted with this philosophy, promoting not only increased crop quantity but also improved product quality across diverse plant varieties.

3. Versatility for All Cultivation Methods: Whether you tread the traditional path of soil-based farming or venture into the innovative realm of hydroponics, our NPK fertilizers seamlessly adapt. This versatility underscores their compatibility with various cultivation methods, offering growers the freedom to explore and experiment.

4. Concentrated Power, Convenient Storage: The solid concentrate form of our NPK fertilizers redefines convenience in transport and storage. Picture the ease of handling and transporting solid NPK, where a bag of a mere 1 kg encapsulates the potential to yield 5 tons of ready-to-apply liquid fertilizer. This concentration not only streamlines logistics but also reduces environmental impact.

5. Water Solubility for Effortless Application: The 100% water solubility of our NPK fertilizers ensures effortless application. Whether through conventional soil application or precise hydroponic nutrient delivery, our fertilizers dissolve readily, facilitating uniform and efficient nutrient absorption by plants.

In embracing our 100% water-soluble NPK fertilizers, growers embark on a journey where agricultural excellence converges with convenience. Elevate your plant nutrition strategies, redefine the boundaries of cultivation, and witness the transformative impact on your crops.

AB Fertiliser (Dry Base) – Hydroponics

FarmTek NPK fertilizer

Unlocking Hydroponic Potential:

In the realm of hydroponic farming, precision and simplicity converge in the form of AB Fertiliser—an innovative solution tailored for the discerning needs of growers. Contrasting with traditional NPK fertilizers, AB Fertiliser emerges as the epitome of user-friendliness without compromising on efficacy.

Unparalleled Versatility:

Designed to cater to a myriad of crops and plants, AB Fertiliser stands as the go-to choice for hobbyists, home growers, and novices venturing into the world of hydroponic farming. Its versatility transcends boundaries, making it an ideal companion for an extensive array of plant varieties.

Seamless Application:

AB Fertiliser revolutionizes the application process, featuring two distinct components—Part A and Part B. This deliberate separation averts unwanted chemical reactions during storage, ensuring the preservation of each component’s efficacy. The application process is a breeze: dilute Part A and Part B separately and seamlessly blend them in the hydroponic reservoir, achieving the desired Electrical Conductivity (EC) level.

Precision in Nutrition:

The meticulous formulation of AB Fertiliser guarantees a balanced and targeted nutrient supply for hydroponically cultivated plants. As growers adjust the EC level to meet the specific requirements of their crops, AB Fertiliser facilitates precision in nutrient delivery, nurturing plants with the essential elements for robust growth.

Optimal pH Management:

Ensuring the ideal pH level is integral to hydroponic success. AB Fertiliser simplifies this aspect by allowing growers to fine-tune the pH after reaching the required EC level. The application of pH Up or Down ensures that the hydroponic solution aligns with the optimal pH range, creating an environment conducive to nutrient absorption.

User-Friendly Advantages:

  1. Ease of Use: AB Fertiliser’s user-friendly nature makes it accessible to growers at all levels of expertise, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts.
  2. Crop Compatibility: Its compatibility with a wide range of crops and plants makes it a versatile choice for hydroponic farmers cultivating diverse varieties.
  3. Chemical Stability: The separate packaging of Part A and Part B ensures chemical stability, safeguarding the efficacy of each component until application.
  4. Efficient Nutrient Absorption: By enabling precise adjustment of the EC level, AB Fertiliser promotes efficient nutrient absorption, contributing to optimal plant health.

Embark on a journey of hydroponic triumph with AB Fertiliser—the catalyst for simplified, precise, and successful plant nutrition in the dynamic realm of hydroponic farming.

Growth Enhancer – Organic Bio-Stimulants

BoosterPlus™ – Mineral Source Fulvic Acid

FarmTek BoosterPlus

BoosterPlus™: Elevating Plant Nutrition to New Heights

Harness the power of mineral-rich fulvic acid with BoosterPlus™, a cutting-edge product crafted from natural young leonardite. Engineered through a proprietary anti-flocculation technology, BoosterPlus™ stands as a versatile solution enriched with meso and micro nutrients.

Unleashing Nature’s Potency:

Derived from natural young leonardite, BoosterPlus™ taps into the essence of nature’s vitality. The unique anti-flocculation technology employed in its processing ensures the preservation of smaller molecular structures, unlocking a myriad of benefits for plant nutrition.

Unrivaled Solubility:

BoosterPlus™ sets itself apart with exceptional solubility, making it anti-hard water up to 21°dh. Its complete solubility in hard water and acid conditions positions it as a game-changer in soil management. By significantly reducing soil salt concentration, it seamlessly transforms acidic or alkaline soil into a neutral haven for optimal plant development.

Key Advantages:

  1. Root Respiration and Formation: BoosterPlus™ propels root respiration and formation, fostering robust plant growth and amplified yields.
  2. pH Buffering Capacity: Enhancing the pH buffering capacity of the soil, BoosterPlus™ creates a stable environment conducive to plant vitality.
  3. Photosynthesis and Respiration: The product’s influence extends to enhancing photosynthesis and respiration, pivotal processes in plant metabolism.
  4. Protein and Nucleic Acid Synthesis: By augmenting the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, BoosterPlus™ catalyzes enzyme action, fostering a cascade of positive effects.
  5. Enzyme Activity and DNA/RNA Impact: Increased enzyme activity positively impacts plant DNA and RNA, contributing to comprehensive plant health.
  6. Anti-Flocculation and Water Hardness: Serving as an anti-flocculant, BoosterPlus™ mitigates water hardness, ensuring an optimal environment for nutrient absorption.
  7. Water Exploitation: Contributing to increased water exploitation by plants, BoosterPlus™ maximizes the utilization of this vital resource.
  8. Fertilizer Absorption: When used in conjunction with urea, phosphate, and micronutrient fertilizers, BoosterPlus™ improves the absorption of fertilizers, amplifying their efficacy.
  9. Drought Tolerance: BoosterPlus™ enhances drought tolerance, fortifying plants against water scarcity and preventing wilting.
  10. Pollutant Detoxification: Serving as a detoxifying agent, BoosterPlus™ aids in neutralizing various pollutants, safeguarding plant health.
  11. Microbial Nourishment: Acting as a rich food source for soil micro-organisms, BoosterPlus™ contributes to the overall vitality of the soil ecosystem.

Elevate your plant nutrition regimen with BoosterPlus™—a mineral source fulvic acid product that transcends conventional boundaries, ensuring a thriving and resilient environment for your plants.



FertiCore™ – Mineral Potassium Humic Acid

Farmtek FertiCore Small Bag 1kg

FertiCore™: Elevate Soil Health and Crop Performance through Potassium Humate Innovation

Unleash the potential of your agricultural endeavors with FertiCore™, a potassium salt of humic acid meticulously derived from natural, high-grade leonardite. This revolutionary product seamlessly integrates nutrient-rich potassium and humic acid, offering a versatile solution for agricultural applications.

Key Components:

  1. Potassium Salt of Humic Acid: FertiCore™ embodies the perfect synergy of potassium, a vital plant nutrient, and humic acid, an organic compound revered for its multifaceted benefits in agriculture.
  2. Derived from Natural Leonardite: Sourced from premium-quality leonardite, FertiCore™ ensures the purity and efficacy of its components, establishing a foundation for soil enrichment and plant vitality.

Application Methods:

  1. Sprinklers and Irrigation: FertiCore™ can be seamlessly applied through sprinkler systems and irrigation, facilitating uniform distribution across the agricultural landscape.
  2. Foliar Spray: Utilize FertiCore™ as a foliage spray in conjunction with foliage fertilizers to enhance nutrient absorption, fostering increased nutrient uptake by plants.
  3. Granular Fertilizer Additive: Enhance the performance of granular fertilizers, including Urea, by incorporating FertiCore™ into the mix. This additive approach optimizes nutrient availability to plants.

Key Benefits:

  1. Soil Structure Enhancement: FertiCore™ contributes to the improvement of soil structure, fostering a favorable environment for root development and overall plant health.
  2. Buffering Power Increase: Elevate the buffering capacity of the soil, ensuring stability in nutrient availability and mitigating fluctuations that may impact plant growth.
  3. Optimized Nutrient Absorption: Facilitate the absorption of essential N, P, K nutrients by plants, optimizing their nutritional intake and promoting robust growth.
  4. pH Regulation: FertiCore™ acts as a regulator of soil pH, neutralizing both acidic and alkaline soils. Its pronounced effectiveness is particularly notable in managing pH levels in challenging alkaline and acidic soil conditions.
  5. Stimulated Plant Growth: The application of FertiCore™ stimulates plant growth, resulting in increased yields and improved crop quality, making it an invaluable asset for agricultural productivity.
  6. Groundwater Protection: By reducing nitrate leaching into groundwater, FertiCore™ safeguards the integrity of underground water resources and promotes sustainable water conservation practices.
  7. Enhanced Effectiveness of Agrochemicals: FertiCore™ augments the effectiveness of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides, contributing to improved crop protection and minimizing harmful residue levels.
  8. Nitrogen Stabilization: As an additive with urea, FertiCore™ stabilizes nitrogen and enhances nitrogen efficiency, offering a strategic approach to nutrient management.
  9. Phosphate Complexing: FertiCore™ forms complexes with phosphate, reducing lock-ups and serving as an ideal additive with DAP/MAP fertilizers, optimizing phosphate availability to plants.

Elevate your agricultural practices with FertiCore™—a comprehensive solution designed to nurture soil health, enhance nutrient availability, and propel your crops toward unprecedented vitality and productivity.